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Highly Recommended ​by Parents, 
​Singapore Media & Top Parenting Portals

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Straits Times Education Feature
Kuno method

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Hear it from a Parent

​After the first trial at Kuno Method, we decided to let Laurent continue with the lessons there because he enjoyed himself and was looking forward to return for another session. I could also personally see the importance of cultivating independent learning habits and developing creative learning strategies in children before they start formal education. I believe this will be a useful skill set which can translate to better problem solving skills in the future. It’s no wonder Kuno Method is the Number 1 Brain Enrichment in Japan!

Kuno method

Hear it from a Parent

Emma really enjoys the lessons and always look forward to it. Kuno Method isn't a maths class or a tuition centre. It's also not a right brain training centre. I see it as a holistic enrichment class while Emma sees it as an art class. I'm not sure why she thinks so, perhaps she just can't relate such fun learning to any other classes that she has in school. 

Objective: Build on foundational skills 

Photo credit: Ashlyn Thia

Editorial Roundup
​(Source: ​

Top 3 learning centres for preschool kidsPre-schoolers may be a little young for tuition. But if you feel yours needs extra help with reading, maths or developing a general love for learning, there are tuition and enrichment centres that specialise in early childhood education.
Sending your tiny tots to these places where they can interact with their peers and learn in a fun environment might inspire them.

Kuno method
Another Japanese pedagogy, Kuno method is an early childhood programme (nursery and kindergarten only) that has successfully transitioned kids from preschool to primary school for over 30 years.
Their experiential learning-cum-enquiry-based approach, with gamification thrown in, is aimed at not only developing logical and analytical thinkers but also socially and emotionally well-rounded kids. Students learn through a concept-based curriculum that emphasises numeracy, literacy and fundamental concepts.

​April 2019

Parent's Review
​(Source: Facebook)

My daughter is always excited to go to her Kuno Method class. The teachers and staff are very friendly and I don't see any stress on my daughter at all. On top of all of these, my daughter have measurable improvements that we can see outside of the class. Even her preschool teacher note of these improvements.

​March 2018

Parent's Review

We saw this new center at Northpoint during one of the weekends shopping and decided to let my kid to trial out since we are living nearby and it is convenient. This is the second enrichment on braining training my kid has attended other than right brain training programs in other centres and I do think he enjoyed Kuno too. I see quite a bit of socialising among the classmates like group work. Class size is very small - maybe it's because it is newly opened and hence not so crowded yet. In any case, no complaint about it being small class size at all as my kid gets more attention. Teacher is engaging and somehow focus on getting the child to think, not memorise. I think it's generally a fun experience for us :)

​April 2018


10 Thinking Strategies for Preschoolers

In November 2018, KUNO method's founder, Yasuyoshi Kuno, shared his views on the 10 thinking strategies for preschoolers with parents in Singapore.

Here's a summary of the talk from a parent's perspective.

Photo credit: Ashlyn Thia

Kuno Method

Recommended by
Young Parents Singapore (SPH)

In short, the programme helps sharpen children’s logical thinking, numeracy skills, memory, creative problem-solving skills, focus, collaborative skills, and communication skills.


Recommended by

If you're looking for a fun way to lay a strong foundation for your child's educational future, read on to find out more about this engaging method of learning that involves group play, hands-on activities, and Q&A sessions.


Sassy Mama
​Best Enrichment Centre

Helping children dissect Math and other foundational concepts through a research-based, classroom-tested experiential learning method, every lesson is a fun three-step learning journey where children are stimulated to experience the problem and discover answers, first collaboratively in a group, then on their own.

Little Magazine (Feb 2018) - Editorial Feature

Kuno method
Kuno method

KUNO Method created a fervor in China

Kuno method

Crowds of adults in Shanghai queuing for up to 40 hours went viral recently. 
- Global Times, 2016

Kuno method

he found there were already 237 people in line ahead of him. Kuno Method’s classes are cheap and good
- Beijing Today, 2016

Kuno method

Hundreds of students were waiting for about 110 places for children aged 3 and 4.
-, 2016

Opening Hours

Wed:            9:45 am to 7:00 pm
Thu:           10:15 am to 6:30 pm
Fri:                9:45 am to 6:30 pm
​Sat & Sun: 8.30 am to 6.30 pm
Mon, Tue, Public Holidays: Closed


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